onsdag 22 oktober 2008

Mobile life

Yesterday I made myself available to the world by acquiring a portable modem so that I can connect to the Internet via mobile broadband. It's a small box that I attach to my computer through a usb port. Great, now I can finally connect to the Internet on a regular basis. I used to connect via someone elses wireless, but now that option has disappeared, literally. However, it's not all smooth sailing. Most of the time the connection gets stuck, forcing me to have to wait until it's unstuck again. Not such a big problem, but combine that with the fact that the modem disconnects sometimes and you've got a slightly bigger and more annoying problem. Even so, I shouldn't complain, Internet is such a new invention that I should be lucky to even have it.

måndag 6 oktober 2008

High heels

They are great to look at, but they always seem better on some young leggy girl than on me. I love to put high heels on, because they make me feel like someone other than my normal boring self. But I can only walk in them for an hour or two and then my feet start hurting like hell. This weekend I actually managed to sprain my left big toe. How does that happen? And they weren't even that high. I don't know if I am dissing or hailing the high heeled shoe. They are great, but they are also hell heels. Anyway, here is a great video of girls losing their footing when wearing heels. Enjoy.

söndag 5 oktober 2008

Birthdays - what are they good for?

Absolutely nothing. Ok, perhaps not nothing. But I find that the older I get the less inclined people are to celebrate me. It probably has nothing to do with me personally, most likely it has to do with the fact that no one is especially enthused about getting older, so why celebrate? And it's true, I'm not glad that I'm slowly nearing a rounder number and in turn coming closer to my demise. I might be a long way from being six feet under, but time goes so fast when you're having fun.. or when you're just living. Each birthday is just a painful reminder of who one's friends are. Who will remember me this year? Who will send me a birthday card? Who will just not give a crap? I try my best to congratulate people on their birthdays, but what am I actually congratulating them about? It doesn't really matter, because that's not the point. The whole point of having a birthday is to be able to say: "I'm not doing the dishes today, it's my birthday." A sort of free-day where you can do whatever you bloody well want and no one can interfere or question you about it. Great! Here's looking a me!
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