onsdag 13 augusti 2008

Dog poo - how nice

As a dog owner (at least part-owner) I always make sure to pick up my canine's excrement. All though not all dog owners think alike I have never come across a blatant poo-and-run. But today I did. A small dog about the size of a large rat squated to deliver a few packages and I thought that the owner would pull out one of her black bags and pick them up. But no such luck. She didn't even seem bothered about the fact that she hadn't picked them up. No reaching into her bag to even pretend to want to pick up the poo. No, she simply left. Being the Swede that I am I didn't say anything and proceeded to mumble a few complaints to myself. "How could she just leave without doing something about the crap? Perhaps she doesn't even bother to wipe her own arse after a visit to the loo?!" And so on and so forth. Perhaps I'll utter a few choice words if it happens again.

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