tisdag 12 augusti 2008

TV repair man

What I could have done without today was a car trip in the wrong direction. I had been mislead by Siba's customer relations and ended up somewhere totally off course. Let's start from the beginning. Yesterday I contacted Siba about a faulty television. I told them the make of the tv and also made sure that they knew that the warranty was still valid. The person on the other end referred me to their repair company and this morning I drove the 10.3 km to get there. On arriving I found out that they do not repair the make of the television that I had, and in turn referred me to another repair company. I proceeded to call Siba to ask them why on earth they had told me to contact the wrong people. A perplexed person asked me who had given me such faulty information and then told me that whenever a product is faulty or broken the customer should return it to the shop where it was purchased. Damn it! So, I had to drive another 10 km to get to the right place, where I was given the information that it will take at least three weeks until the television is repaired. What the ****!

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