söndag 10 augusti 2008

What is in a name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

Yes, what is in a name? My name is often up for questioning. "Are you related to what's-her-face... ummm... Ally McBeal"? My answer at first was "No, I am not", but as of lately I have taken to giving varying answers, such as: "I could be", or "Yes, we are cousins" and I am seriously thinking of saying "I'm sorry, but I cannot answer that question for security reasons". Wouldn't that be a laugh?
I have found that a name is really only interesting if it is exotic or if it is linked to a celebrity. Mine is linked to a celebrity, but I can assure you that I had it before her claim to fame. Nowadays people use my name as a sort of ice-breaker, even in shops. A shopkeeper will see my ID card and ask me the same question as above: "Any relation to Ally McBeal"? And I will of course give my usual response: "No". One or two times is hilarious, three to ten times is fun, but the times after that are just boring, outrageous, lacking in imagination and outright intrusive. Nevertheless, I tend to play along and try to answer as cordially as possible. The incessant interrogation will not end until she-who-is-famous is no longer famous, and I'm not sure if that will ever happen. Or else people will grow tired of her and no longer feel the need to ask me the same question as everyone else. I'm not saying that everyone is interested in me, because they of course know that I'm not related to this Hollywood being. But there is always a desire to be witty, and therefor a need to ask.
So, what is in a name, except that it makes it easier for other people to contact someone? I could have a competely different name and still be the same person as I am now. But then strangers would not ask me if I am related to a certain personage. Would that be better? I have complained about people asking me about it. Though, I do enjoy the attention somewhat, because it gives me cause to smile when I wouldn't normally. What's in my name? A bit of fun.

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