lördag 6 september 2008

Off duty

When I became employed, just after I’d graduated from vocational school, I decided that the best step to take – albeit not a popular one – was to join the union. I am very cynical and know that anything can happen, anytime. You never know. So, what’s better than to be insured against a penniless existence if I should somehow be out of a job further down the line? I thank myself for that bold choice because now I really need the help.
Of course, things don’t run smoothly or efficiently when it comes to the authorities. I have now waited four weeks for a first step to be taken, that is the decision to give me money because I have no job. But I learnt yesterday that it might take a couple of weeks more for them to decide, because apparently they have all been on summer holiday and now they’re backed up. And it could take up to 55 days before I see any sort of cash.* So, I’ll just have to be patient. If I need money I could easily go out an beg for it, or go down that well trodden road and become a prostitute. The end justifies the means if I remember correctly.
But even though I have to wait a certain amount of time for a decision to be reached there is no need for the employees at the union to be condesending when I call them. Aren’t the telephone operators supposed to be helpful, isn’t that what they get paid to do? Am I wrong in thinking that they are in a better spot than I am and therefor could be a little more gracious toward the poor unemployed? But I'm probably asking for too much, seeing as they probably get a huge amount of telephone calls every day, and that might be a little too much talky talky for them. At least they have a job. Be grateful for that at least.

*According to Dagens Nyheter 28 August.

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